Future of the Maldives - Global warming

Future of the Maldives - Global warming
Climate change severely threatens the existence of the Maldives

Taschenbuch - Erscheinungsjahr 2020von Kemal Yildirim

The Maldives became a founding member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). It is also a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the Non-Aligned Movement. The World Bank classifies the Maldives as having an upper-middle income economy. Fishing has historically been the dominant economic activity, and remains the largest sector by far, followed by the rapidly growing tourism industry. The Maldives rate "high" on the Human Development Index, with per-capita income significantly higher than other SAARC nations.The Maldives was a member of the Commonwealth from July 1982 until withdrawing from the organization in October 2016 in protest at allegations by the other nations of its human-rights abuses and failing democracy. The Maldives rejoined the Commonwealth on 1 February 2020 after showing evidence of functioning democratic processes and popular support.

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Buch (Taschenbuch) € 39,90 inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. Herstellung bei AnforderungKostenlose Lieferung innerhalb ÖsterreichsIns Einkaufssackerl


Seitenzahl 68
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
VerlagLAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Zusatzinformationen 68 Seiten; 220 mm x 150 mm
ISBN 978-620266946---7

Über Kemal Yildirim

Yildirim, Kemal
Dr. Kemal Yildirim is an Orientalist. He has published various numbers of books about the Middle Eastern and Southeastern politics and diplomacy, and he has directed more than 20 Films as Feature and short films as well as Documentaries. He works currently on ancient and modern World cultures.

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